Selenium Web Driver

Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications. It is open source software. WebDriver is a tool for testing web applications across different browsers using different programming languages.

It supports many browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, and Safari. It also supports different programming languages such as C#, Java, Perl, PHP and Ruby for writing test scripts. Selenium Webdriver is platform-independent since the same code can be used on different Operating Systems like Microsoft Windows, Apple OS and Linux. It is one of the components of the selenium family, which also includes Selenium IDE, Selenium Client API, Selenium Remote Control and Selenium Grid.

About the Trainer

The trainer is having around 8+ years of working experience in Software testing. Currently He is working as Test automation consultant in MNC company. He has worked for multiple companies for India and abroad

Who should join ?

• Any graduate
• Manual testers

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• Training by Industry standard experts
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Topics covered in Selenium

Java Overview

· Java Introduction
· Java Version History
· Download and Install Java
· Download and Install Eclipse IDE
· Create Java Project
· Create Java Package
· Create First Java Program
· Variable types in java

Java - Data types

· Data types
· int data type
· long data type
· double data type
· char data type
· Boolean data type
· String class In Java
· String class methods
· Example for string class methods
· Date and Time
· Date comparison

Java - Conditional Statements

· Conditional Statements
· Simple If Statement
· If Else Statement
· Nested If Else Statement
· Example class for If conditional statements
· Example for Switch

Java - Loops

· Loops
· For loop
· Example for… For loop
· While Loop
· Example for while loop
· Do While Loop
· Example for Do while loop
· Difference between while and do while loop
· Disadvantage of while or do while loop

Java - Arrays

· Arrays
· One Dimensional Array
· Another way of creating same one dimensional array
· Two Dimensional Array
· Another way of creating same two dimensional array

Java - Modifiers

· Access Modifiers in Java
· Access modifier class
· Static and Non Static methods
· Main Difference between Static and Non Static Methods in Java
· Example for Static and Non Static methods
· Constructors in java
· Difference between constructor and method
· Overloading
· Example for overloading

Java - Inheritance

· Inheritance
· Why Inheritance
· Syntax for Inheritance
· Type of Inheritance
· Example for Parent class
· Example for Child class

Java - Polymorphism

· Overriding
· Usage of overriding
· Rules for method Overriding
. Example for Override method
· Difference between overloading and overriding

Java - Interface

· Interface
· Why Interface
· Rules for Interfaces
· Add Interface in the project
· Example of interface
· Example of interface in selenium web driver

Java - Files

. Create, Read and write operations from a text file
· Write text to a file
· Read text from a file
· Appending text to the file

Java - Exceptions

· Exceptions in java
· Checked Exceptions
· Unchecked Exceptions
. Hierarchy of Java Exception classes
· Common scenarios where exception may occur
· Exception handling keywords in java
· try - catch
· Syntax for try - catch
· Example for Exception handling using try - catch
· Java throws
· Syntax for throws keyword
· Which exception should be declared in throws
· Example - Exception occurred and Exception handled using try - catch
· Throw keyword
· Syntax for throw keyword
· Example for throw keyword
· Difference between throw and throws in java

Selenium - Introduction

· What is Selenium?
· Who developed Selenium?
· Selenium History
· Selenium components
· Selenium IDE
· Advantages and disadvantages of Selenium IDE
· Selenium RC (Selenium Remote Control)
· Selenium Web Driver
· Advantages and disadvantages of Web Driver
· Selenium Grid
· Advantages of Selenium Grid
· Advantages and disadvantages of Selenium
· Supported Browsers
· Supported Programming Languages
· Supported Operating Systems
· Supported Testing Frameworks
· Diff between IDE, RC AND Web driver
· Advantages of Selenium over UFT

Selenium IDE - Introduction

· Selenium IDE Versions
· Selenium IDE download and install – Method one
· Selenium IDE download and install – Method two
· Create a Script by Recording
· Execute a script
· Verify Presence of an Element
· Verify Presence of a Certain Text
· Verify Specific Position of an Element
· AndWait commands
· waitFor commands
· Storing Variables
· StoreElementPresent and the Echo command
· StoreText
. Alerts, Popup and Multiple windows
· storeAlert
· chooseOkOnNextConfirmation
· chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation
. Multiple Windows
· Commonly used Selenium IDE commands

Selenium IDE - Other Components

· Execute this command option
· Start point option
· Break point option
· Find Button option
· Converting Selenium IDE test scripts to Other Programming Languages
· Base URL Bar
· Test case pane
· Table view
· Source view
· Log pane
· Reference pane
· Introduction to Selenium commands - Selenese
· Type of Commands
· Introduction to Selenium IDE Options- General
· Introduction to Selenium IDE Options- Formats
· Introduction to Selenium IDE Options- Plug-ins
· Introduction to Selenium IDE Options- Locator Builders
· Play entire test suite
· Play entire test suite periodically

Selenium Web driver - Introduction

· Download and Install Java
· Download and Install eclipse
· Download and Install Firebug
· Download and Install Fire path
· Download and Install the Selenium Java Client Driver
· Browser Drivers
· Download and Install the Gecko Driver
· Create Project and Configure with Web Driver
· Create Java Package
· Create First Java Program

Selenium - Locators

· What is Locator?
· Different types of Locators in Selenium
· Locating by ID
· Locating by Name
· Locating by ClassName
· Locating by TagName
· Locating by LinkText
· Locating by PartialLinkText
· Locating by CSS Selector
· Locating elements by CSS Selectors
· Locating by XPath
· Types of X-path
· Absolute XPath
· Example for Absolute XPath:
· Relative XPath:
· XPath example
· Summary syntax for locator usage

Selenium - Elements

· Working with input boxes
· Working with Radio buttons
· Working with Checkboxes
· Working with links
· Working with buttons
· Working with dropdowns
· Working with frames
· Working with Web driver methods
· Working with Web Tables

Selenium - Synchronization

· Wait statements
· Implicit Wait
· Explicit Wait
· Explicit Wait conditions
· Example for implicit and explicit wait
· Difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait
· Switch to Alerts/popup
· Switch to new window/browser
· Navigate methods
· Screenshot example
· Chrome Example
· IE Example
· Commands for different Elements

TestNG Reports

· What is TestNG?
· Benefits of TestNG
· Annotations in TestNG
· Install TestNG in Eclipse
· Configure Eclipse IDE with TestNG and Selenium web driver
· Create First TestNG Program
· TestNG Annotations
· TestNG Annotations Priority
· TestNG Annotations Groups
· Skip example
· Screenshot in Testng report
· RunbyClassNamexml
· RunbyPackageNamexml
· Data driven testing with Data provider annotation
· When to use TestNG ‘Parameters’ and ‘DataProvider’ annotations
· Prerequisite for ‘DataProvider’ annotations
· Download and Configure the POI with eclipse
· Read data from XLS files
· Assert Methods in TestNG

XSLT Reports

· XSLT Reports
· Benefits of ANT
· Download and Configure ANT
· Download and Configure XSLT
· Install Ant plug in from eclipse IDE (For latest version of eclipse it is not required as it is inbuilt)
· Run Ant build xml from eclipse IDE

Extent Reports

· What is Extent Report?
· Benefits of Extent Report
· Prerequisites for Extent Reports
· Download Extent Reports
· Configure Extent Reports
· Run testng xml file and view the result
· Adding screenshot in extent report


· What is Maven
· Benefits of Maven
· Diff between ANT and Maven
· Download and Configure Maven - Method one
· Create a maven project
· Create a package in maven project
· Create a testng class in maven project
· Download and Configure Maven - Method two
· Running maven from command prompt

Test Automation Frameworks

· Introduction to Test Automation Frameworks
· Why to follow framework process?
· Benefits of Automation Frameworks
· Ideal features of Automation Frameworks
· Diff type of Automation Frameworks
· Data Driven Framework
· Flowchart for Data Driven Framework
· Advantages of Data Driven Framework
· Disadvantages of Data Driven Framework
· Keyword Driven of Framework
· Flow chart of Keyword Driven of Framework
· Advantages of Keyword Driven of Framework
· Disadvantages of Keyword Driven of Framework
· Hybrid Driven of Framework
· Flowchart of Hybrid Driven of Framework
· Advantages of Hybrid Driven of Framework
· Disadvantages of Hybrid Driven of Framework
· Components required for Hybrid Framework

Step by step guide to Develop Hybrid Framework

· Step by step guide to Develop Hybrid Framework